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Five Bits of Gratitude

Yet another habit that needs reinforcing. It's too easy to slide into dark talk when in actual fact, there is much good in the world, and much good inside me.

Here are five of those good things:

  1. The massive dark cloud which seems to frame The Empress Hotel most evenings dissipated in time for the most brilliant spring sunset.
  2. Cherry trees and magnolias are in bloom all over Victoria, which make my walks to and from work magical. I'm so lucky to live in this beautiful city.
  3. Cindy made pancakes! Which is excellent full stop. But triply so because tomorrow is a 'wheat day' for my elimination / re-integration diet, so I shall be having leftover pancakes for breakfast.
  4. I stumbled across The Happiness Equation which Cin found in a Free Little Library box and I had left in the back bedroom. Upon re-opening, the first thing I read reminded me that I love working on teams and that teamwork is very important to me. Which is lacking at UP. We get along, but we're not a team. Or I'm not feeling it. Glad I remembered something that's important to me but currently lacking.
  5. A question on B4B has reminded me how difficult but amazing Easter baking was at Orange Boot. And it follows on that...
  6. Bakers4Bakers is a good place. I'm grateful for the people who share and learn and grow there.