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Hockey Round Table

Another fun weekend at the rink. Robyn got her first start in net on Saturday in Lumsden. She played well all game, but really got strong as the game went on. She had quite a bit of fun but I think she's already thinking about playing forward again. It was a fun change of pace but I think the cachet of being a goalie has passed.

One highlight of the week was a practice in Sedley on Wednesday night. Robyn's team was practicing but the coach invited Ben to come out so they would have two goalies. As Robyn was getting ready for her big start, that meant both kids were in goal gear at the same time. Quite a treat to see them practicing together. It's especially neat to since they are two years apart but pretty much the same size. They had fun and I sure had fun watching.

In Pee Wee news, the Sharks practiced at 7AM this morning but that was about it. Our savvy manager scheduled picture day for this practice to make sure everyone showed up. Ben's got tournaments the next two weekends so we're ramping up for some serious action!