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I've been Burned, and it feels Great!

This blog is now available as an RSS feed thanks to Feedburner. If you don't want to come back to this blog day after day, just hoping against all hope that there's a new post, you can click the little 'subscribe' chicklet on the right (over there ---> ) and subscribe to the feed.

(Update: this will get you the feed you need)

If you're using a useful browser like Firefox, it'll create a live bookmark which will show new post titles as they are published. If you use multiple computers, or just want to manage all your blog subscriptions, Google Reader or Bloglines will make blog reading easy.

It makes me giddy just thinking that one of my posts may one day show up on the same screen as Seth Godin or Doc Searls. OK, it'll likely only be on my own reader, but I can dream, can't I?