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New Year, New Goals

It's been one year since my foray into blogging and I have mixed feelings about my results. I've spent far more time reading other blogs (I consider myself a 'whiz' at Google Reader and am progressing to full ninja status) than actually writing. I've also spent far too long worrying about the focus of the blog than getting my thoughts in print.

So this year I resolve to worry less and write more. My goal is two posts per week. Warning in advance that the topics are going to cover a pretty wide range:

  • observations about my family: growth, change, stirring victories and sad losses too.

  • what it's like to build a business: as we slowly build Orange Boot Bakery. I'm fascinated by the process of starting and growing a business. I want to put everything I've learned in business and life into the bakery and share the foibles. I'm going to write about the process here. The Orange Boot Bakery site is for our customers and I don't want to clog it up with weird ramblings about being a small business owner. (2023 update: it's all here, all the time.)

  • the joys and struggles in building community, be it our local community association, the kid's minor hockey teams or the various groups I'm involved with online

  • What's new and exciting (to me) in internet technology. My professional career has been about helping people through the learning curve when it comes to new technology. I spent the early part of 2007 thinking I had fallen way behind the times but I'm still ahead of the curve compared to 90% of people so there's likely lots to learn here.

My only fear is that the variety of subject matter will turn people off. Well it can't be worse than not posting at all, right? I'll make judicious use of tags / categories and if I do find a Voice in all of this, I can adjust later. But the goal for now is to write -- two per week, come hell or high water.