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On Bread and Mothers

Hello everyone,

I'm taking a couple minutes away from Cindy's Mothers Day festivities to get this update written. Food is playing a key role as it does with most of our holidays, although in the case of Mother's Day it hasn't exactly been the best food. Toast and Juice from the kids was nice (that two-castle rye bread sure was yummy!) but then it went downhill -- apple fritters from Robin's, pub grub for lunch and pizza for supper. It's our chance to load up on the calories before another hectic week of soccer, meetings, band concerts and baking. Yes, glorious baking! An excellent way to end the week.

This week we're offering two loaves which will have breakfast and lunch covered for the Victoria Day weekend:

#1: Orange Boot Multigrain: This is a good, honest multigrain loaf with oats, corn meal and brown rice added to wheat and rye flour for a nice full flavour. It's great for toast, sandwiches, or tearing off great hunks and chowing down!

  • Orange Boot Multigrain, 600g, $4.00

#2: Walnut and Raisin Bread: This loaf received rave reviews the last time we offered it up. Toasted walnuts impart a wonderful aroma and the raisins give the perfect amount of sweetness. If there's any bread left by Sunday, it makes a killer French Toast too!

  • Walnut and Raisin Bread, 600g $4.00

One more thing: We're not going to be baking the following week (May 23) as we've got a bunch of kid's commitments bunching up on Thursday and Friday. Our advance apologies for that.

Best wishes this week!