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Two More Bakes

Hi everyone,

Well, the Bread Baker's Guild meeting in Edmonton last week was an interesting learning experience. New kitchen, new instructors, and the chance to meet some incredible bakers from across Western Canada. We even made the Edmonton CBC news (free bread to whoever can find me a link to this!)

The main reason I took the trip was to meet with bakers I admire and get as much advice as possible about how to start up a 'real' bakery. And I certainly got a lot of advice! Not all positive, but that's all part of the package too.

Cindy and I have spent many hours this week getting our head around the cross-roads we've reached with this start up phase of our business. We've tapped out what we can do out of the house, which, though it's more than we ever expected, is not enough to sustain us. So the time to grow is now. But where to get the time to grow?

This is a long way of saying that we're going to be taking an extended break from baking in the wood oven. We'll be baking this week and next then stopping for the summer. We're going to take the summer to build a real business plan source equipment and re-open 'for real.'

So, two weeks of baking -- what's up this week?

#1: Flax and Currant Bread: Shaped like a paver but light as a feather, this rustic loaf has a nice nutty/sweet flavour and is just plain good eats. Think ciabatta but healthier. This loaf was a huge favorite the first time we offered it so don’t miss out!

  • Flax and Currant Bread, 500g rustic loaf, $3.50

#2: French Loaf - For those of you who like your bread straight up, we offer a French Loaf. A nice white loaf. Nice and tasty, that is!

French Loaf - 500g, $3.00

Best wishes this week!