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Orange Boot Week 3: Seeds, Onions and the Search for Mellow

When Cindy and I decided it was time to start spreading the word about our brick oven bread, we saw this as a way to make stronger connections -- with our ingredients, the baking process and especially with our friends. My dream is to have a weekly chat with each of you to stay connected while at the same time sharing some of the very best food we can make to sustain you during the week. While we're getting there, we haven't exactly reached the ultimate dream state and last Friday was an extreme case of our all too standard craziness. We had trenches, electricians, gas fitters, hockey practice and a birthday party all converge at the same time Friday while we were also baking over three dozen loaves. Suffice to say I didn't get a chance to chat with some of you near as much as I would have liked. I promise to make it up to you this week, if you have the time of course.

The electrical work is done and the trench is filled in (YAY!!) but we still don't have heat / cooling in the prep area, so we're restricting things to three varieties again this week. But don't let that dampen things -- the three loaves we're offering will amaze, astound and delight! Or at the very least, taste really, really good.

#1: There has been a wee clamour to add some whole grain / different grain bread to the Orange Boot repertoire, so I spent some time delving deep into my notes for some grainier, seedier options. Whole grain baking is a different beast, especially without any commercial additives, high speed mixers or high humidity proofing, but I think we have a loaf that, while not exactly granola, is pretty darn hearty:

  • Orange Boot Birdseed Bread: a big ol' sandwich loaf with roasted pumpkin, sunflower and flax seeds for a crunchy texture and nutty flavour. A solid base for your favorite sandwich toppings or to dunk in a fall soup. 800g loaf, $4.00

#2: Saskatchewan Sourdough (Pain au Levain): If I could make only one bread for you, this would be it. I've been nurturing a wild yeast starter for over 6 weeks getting ready to introduce this king of breads and the time is now. You will be amazed at the delicate flavours the wild yeast evokes from only flour, water and salt. Its’ flavour is much milder than Boudin's in San Francisco, so if you think you don't like sourdough bread, please try ours. You'll be glad you did!

  • Saskatchewan Sourdough: 700g Boule, $3.50

#3: Finally, for those of you who like 'stuff' in your bread but not 'seeds', we offer up an Onion and Herb Ciabatta. A loaf so fragrant you'll wonder how it could ever taste as good as it smells, until you taste it!

  • Onion and Herb Ciabatta: 500g rustic loaf, $3.50

As has been our custom so far — please order by 6PM on Wednesday by sending an email to or calling (306) 522-1592. Your bread will be ready for pickup at 2904 Wascana Street between 3PM and 6PM on Friday, October 19. If you need the bread delivered I can do that after 6:00PM Friday but please call in advance to arrange for delivery.

Best wishes this week!