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Orange Boot Week 4: Return of Some Old Friends

Hello Bread Lovers!

I hope you enjoyed the bread last week. We had our busiest day yet with several new customers joining the Orange Boot list and a great many repeat orders, but we're also getting the hang of the daily bake schedule now too. So even though we baked the most bread yet, we still had a chance to chat with everyone. That really makes the sore shoulders worthwhile!

We are bringing back some old favourites this week -- a nice mix of bread styles to satisfy the most particular craving:

#1: Our multigrain loaf received a huge amount of positive feedback two weeks ago. This large sandwich loaf contains corn meal, rolled oats, brown rice and honey in addition to wheat flour giving a complex and slightly sweet flavour. If you didn't get a chance to make toast with this bread last time, please get enough to try it this time. It makes the best toast ever!

  • Orange Boot Multigrain, 800g Sandwich Loaf, $4.00

#2: Our semolina loaf (Pane Siciliano) was turned out a little rustic looking on Week #1 but the flavour was spot on. This deep brown 'S' shaped loaf contains Durum flour in the dough and roasted sesame seeds on top. Yummy!

  • Semolina Loaf (Pane Siciliano), 500g loaf, $3.50

#3: I couldn't keep enough Saskatchewan Sourdough around last week, so we're making more this week. The wild yeast starter is strong and ready to perform for you once again. We add some whole wheat and rye flour for extra (not too sour) flavour.

  • Saskatchewan Sourdough (Pain au Levain), 700g Boule, $3.50

#4: There's nothing ordinary about our Pain Ordinaire - our french loaf is given an extra slow rise to extract the most flavour from our organic flour.

  • French Loaf (Pain Ordinaire), 700g Batard, $3.50

As is our custom — please order by 6PM on Wednesday by sending an email to or calling (306) 522-1592. Your bread will be ready for pickup between 3PM and 6PM on Friday, October 26 and can be picked up at 2904 Wascana Street. If you need the bread delivered I can do that after 6:00PM Friday but please call in advance to arrange for delivery.

Please Note -- we promise to reply and confirm every email order we receive. So if you don't hear from us within 24 hours please call or email again. We had a couple orders slip through the cracks and I still don't know how that happened.

Best wishes this week!

Mark and Cindy

Ben and Robyn (chief order takers and phone support!) /

=== What's Happening at the Orange Boot? ===

Gas work got delayed by a week but we're told it will be Thursday. Touch wood.

We're working on getting bread pictures on the web site so you can see what you're ordering. Hoping to get a start on that this week.

The mid week essay didn't happen last week. Sorry about that. I think I over-reached. Right now we're focused on getting better order tracking so we don't miss you. That and pictures.